Sometimes you feel you are imperfect

You are conscious of your body, how skinny or fat your body is

Conscious of hair, your face, your eyes

You are mindful of how your skin is, either too dark, white, brown or yellow

Feeling so Conscious of your cracked teeth and refuse to smile

You feel your legs are too long, or too short or even a double left leg

Well, don’t be a faded version of you because of your imperfection.

Your imperfection  is sometimes that makes you unique and in your own way perfect.

You are simply unique the way you are,

The best thing you can do is to enhance the way you see yourself in a positive light.

Photo by Taryn Elliott on

Your feeling of imperfection can affect your thought process, if you let it control you,

If you feel like you are fat, Simply work out for yourself, just for you to feel the way you want.

You think you are skinny, then eat to your satisfaction and add weight.              

You have scare and discolouration,  guess what it is not so bad, you can either live with it and love it as part of you, or get it treated.

Whatever you choose to do, do it for you and your happiness

Do not let the feeling of imperfection control you.

You are imperfect and it not a crime           

Simply know you are beautiful and great just the way you are, and you always have a choice to do what you want.

Photo by Yan Krukov on

Sometimes your uniqueness comes from feeling different

You feel so different from the crowd,

Hardly do what the crowd does,

You struggle to fit in,

Most times you have  a different opinion from the crowd that you sometimes don’t bother to share

Well that’s fine, you are unique

Your uniqueness should not be a burden,

One day you would find someone that likes you for you

Someone that your uniqueness and imperfection intrigues

All the things you wished you can do without getting judged, you will get to do it with that person or people.

You feel like all your struggles were in the past and probably never happened

Your imperfection makes you perfect.

It makes you who you are.

You are loved


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